CB2insights CEO Prad Sekar Benzinga Conference
CEO presents to investors at Benzinga Conference in Toronto April 18, 2019

CB2 Insights IPO Roadshow October 3, 2018
Pradyum Sekar from CB2 Insights presents investors. MVC Technologies, parent company of Sail, CannaCare Docs, and TokeIn now CB2insights.

TPG co-CEO Jim Coulter discusses Cannabis investment opportunity - 10:15:00 starts
Nov.28, 2018 -- TPG Capital Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer Jim Coulter discusses investment opportunities on the horizon at Bloomberg’s The Year Ahead summit in New York. START at 10mins for Cannabis discussion.

Surprising truths about legalizing Cannabis | Ben Cort | TEDxMileHigh
In 2012, Colorado legalized cannabis and kickstarted a multibillion dollar industry with every product imaginable -- brownies, gummy bears, granola bars, even lube! But to say that we’ve “legalized cannabis” is mistaken -- we’ve commercialized THC. In this fascinating talk, expert Ben Cort examines the impacts of this growing new industry on everything from policing & arrest rates to LGBTQ issues. Sober since 1996, Ben Cort has seen the devastation that substance abuse can bring first hand as well as the joy that is recovery. He spent the last 10 years inside nonprofit drug treatment and education programs like Phoenix Multisport, Stout Street Foundation, and The University of Colorado Hospital. He is the author of Weed, INC., a professional speaker, and a frequent guest in the media. Ben is a husband, father of three, and an avid sportsman. He enjoys fly fishing, hunting, mountaineering, and bike racing.

The Marijuana Surge: Opportunities and Risks | Fortt Knox

TILT CEO Alex Coleman and Baker CEO Joel Milton - Interview
TILT Holdings is taking on the cannabis industry in North America with the combined strength of four companies. It has Briteside, which develops prefabricated modular grow rooms to plug and produce cannabis anywhere. Baker Technologies adds software capabilities to analyze customer behaviour. There is Santi Veritas, a licensed producer of cannabis in Canada. And Sea Hunter Therapeutics provides capital and management expertise. Listen to CEO Alex Coleman as he speaks about TILT’s unique end-to-end capabilities and global expansion plans. SmallCapPower also spoke with Joel Milton, Co-Founder and CEO of Baker Technologies, about their customer retention tool that is revolutionizing the way dispensaries serve consumers.

Dr. Oz and Sanjay Gupta discuss the CBD boom
Lotion. Beer. Water. Kombucha. Lately, nearly everything you can buy to use or consume seems to have versions with CBD added. And despite the confusion around its legality on a national scale, the cannabis compound’s popularity continues to grow. It’s a “CBD oil boom” as Dr. Mehmet Oz is calling it.

Morgan Paxhia Interview in CNBC
Poseidon Asset Management co-founder and chief investor Morgan Paxhia joins 'Squawk Alley' to discuss Constellation Brands' earnings, the outlook on the cannabis industry and impact of the midterm election on the industry.

Nick Hofmeister CEO Front Range Bio on $10mil Raise
Front Range Biosciences CFO & Co-Founder Nick Hofmeister tells Proactive Investors the agricultural biotech has raised $10 million in Series A funding, taking the cannabis biotech company forward with its Clean Stock program.
Clean Stock is part of the company's tissue culture breeding science of high value crops at industrial scale to improve consistency and efficiency for clone production.

The Economics of the Cannabis Consumer
At the recent Green Market Summit on September 14, 2018, a group of top cannabis industry professionals discussed The Economics of the Cannabis Consumer. David Dancer, Chief Marketing Officer at MedMen, Jeff Stein Managing Partner at Consumer Research Around Cannabis and Bethany Gomez Director of Research at Brightfield Group talked about which consumers were the most loyal cannabis consumers and what they bought.
Understanding who is using cannabis can help businesses gain a significant advantage over competitors.

Phyto discusses investing in Cannabis
Larry Schnurmacher, founder and managing partner of Phyto Partners Cannabis Venture Capital fund discusses the industry and where he sees the best investment opportunities.

Phyto Partners - Capitalizing America's Next Great Industry
Phyto Partners is a Venture Capital fund that invests capital into businesses operating in and around the burgeoning Cannabis industry. The fund offers Accredited investors a professionally managed vehicle to invest in the businesses that are benefiting from the rapidly growing Marijuana industry.

Could Cannabis be the solution to the Opioid crisis
Dr. Sanjay Gupta discusses how medical cannabis could help people addicted to Opioids and or be the pain medication alternative.

Würk CEO Keegan Peterson interview
Founder and CEO Keegan Peterson discusses how his Cnnabis employye management platform helps industry operators manage their HR.

A doctor's case for medical Cannabis | David Casarett
Physician David Casarett was tired of hearing hype and half-truths around medical marijuana, so he put on his skeptic's hat and investigated on his own. He comes back with a fascinating report on what we know and what we don't -- and what mainstream medicine could learn from the modern medical marijuana dispensary.
The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

What You Need to Know about CBD, Cannabis Oil Treatments
Is cannabis oil or CBD treatments helpful or harmful? The Doctors discuss the need for more research about the beneficial claims made about CBD in the medical community.

Former Florida Judge: 'I’ve Been Haunted For 30 Years' For Punishing Medical Marijuana Patients
For 30 years, former Judge Doug Bench enforced marijuana prohibition in Florida. Then a serious illness forced him to break that law in order to save his life.

Milken Institute - POWER PLANT Panel Explores the Cannabis Industry
Karan Wadhera
Managing Partner, Casa Verde Capital
Mike Harden
Founder, Big Rock
Ben Kovler
Founder and Chairman, Green Thumb Industries (GTI); Chief Investment Officer, Kovpak II, LLC
Bharat Vasan
Jeff Wells
President and CEO, Franwell, Inc.
Medical and recreational cannabis sales in the United States and Canada continue to soar. American retail sales of legal cannabis products totaled $7.9 billion in 2017, and estimates predict the industry may grow to $24.1 billion by 2025. However, some think the ancillary ecosystem—companies that support the broader industry without actually "touching the plant"—hold the greatest investment potential. Payroll, packaging, and insurance industries, for instance, are key links in the cannabis food chain and may provide opportunities for investors without the worry of direct state or federal intervention.

Dateline NBC - Growing Promise
Kannalife's Dr. Doug Brenneman and CEO Dean Petkanas featured on interviewed by Harry Smith on Dateline NBC with Lester Holt, episode "Growing Promise"

Interview with Emily Paxhia, Managing Partner at Poseidon Asset Management
Cannabis Companies Are Becoming Better Prepared For Investor Money

Treating Autism with Medical Cannabis - Israeli Study
Israeli scientists are studying the effects of medical cannabis as treatment for autism, as parents seek alternatives with less side effects and better symptom relief. This research is so important, as even minor behavioral inprovements can lead to drastically enhanced quality of life for the patients and their families. Tikun Olam's scientists are dedicated to similar research for this very reason.

Montel Williams - Medical Cannabis Advocate: Tales from the Trenches
CannaTech - iCAN: israel-cannabis
Published on May 22, 2018
Watch Montel WIlliams share about his journey towards medical cannabis, his 22 years of service in the US Marines and Navy, his first crippling bought of MS, his unfortunate fall into the tight grip of opiate addiction and his unrelenting drive to find safer options for himself and for others living with MS.

Will California Weed Growers Survive Legal Marijuana?

VICE News - Chuck Schumer pushing to Decriminalize Marijuana
Interview with Senator Chuck Schumer discussing his newly introduced legislation to decriminalize marijuana nationwide.

Navy Capital - John Kaden talks Cannabis Private Equity
Kaden, Managing Partner at Navy Capital, former Tiger Cub Hedge fund manager discusses the incredible opportunity to invest in privately held cannabis companies.

Fmr. Mexican President Vicente Fox | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox joins Bill Maher to discuss immigration and the drug war.
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Dad fights for his daughter¹s right to use medical cannabis in school - TODAY.com
Ashley Surin, an 11-year-old sixth-grader in Illinois, has a prescription for medical marijuana to control her seizures, a side effect of her leukemia treatment, but state law forbids her to use medical cannabis in school. Ashley’s father, Jim Sirin, and Steven Glink, the family’s attorney, tell Megyn Kelly about the status of their fight to change the situation.

How Legalized Marijuana Is Changing One California Town | Megyn Kelly TODAY
More than half the 50 states already allow sale of marijuana for medical use, and California has become one of a number of states that have legalized recreational pot. NBC’s Jacob Soboroff reports on the “green rush” in the town of Desert Hot Springs, California, and joins Megyn Kelly live to discuss the controversial legalization trend.

Canadian Stock Price Analysis
Deep dive into valuation of Canopy Growth and discussion of Canadian LP's valuation.

Take a Tour of California's First Licensed Medical Cannabis Manufacturing & Research Group
In this very insightful episode, the iC team visits BAS Research, California's first licensed medical cannabis manufacturing & research group led by CEO Dr. Bao Le. Brandon and Dr. Le talk about the power of cannabis oil to help with autism and other medical conditions, the state of the cannabis industry and raising funds as a cannabis startup. Tune in. Listen up. Get acquainted.

How Will Legalizing Recreational Marijuana In California Affect The Wine Industry?
Back in 1996, California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana, and in a few months, recreational use will be legal there too. Many are wondering how the development will impact the state’s wine country. NBC’s Joe Fryer reports for TODAY.

Cannabis Investing: Is It Right For You?
Sales of legal retail marijuana is projected to reach $30 billion by 2021 and more than half of states in the U.S. have legalized marijuana in some form. Chris Leavy, Co-Chairman & Partner of MedMen outlines the investment opportunities and the risks in this blazing industry.

Weed Strains: Marijuana Marketing - Spin or Science?
When it comes to cannabis, there are a wide variety of weed strains to choose from — but is it all marketing spin or is there actual science behind the development of each strain? With the legalization of recreational marijuana on the horizon, it will be important for people to know what's in their weed

Baker brings technology to Cannabis retail
Baker is a customer engagement platform for cannabis dispensaries and brands to build a following, inspire brand loyalty, and increase revenue. The company started as a software company trying to help dispensaries build and maintain a relationship with customers by creating technology products to make buying and selling cannabis easy, safe, and convenient. 50% of people who walk into a retail shop never return, but Baker has created tools like targeted marketing messaging, rewards, and in-store loyalties to help lower this number. The cannabis industry has restrictions that no other businesses have, but technology and Baker is helping retailers overcome these challenges, which has increased revenues by more than 15%.

Leaf: Make Your Own Cannabis at Home, Automatically
In this episode we interview, Yoni Ofir, founder of Leaf. Leaf is an automated, smartphone controlled, cannabis growing system. Place your plants in Leaf and it automatically regulates temperature, humidity and light to let you grow your plants easily, even if you have no previous knowledge of growing cannabis. Brandon and Yoni discuss the Leaf story and early adopter program, fundraising rounds and vice clauses, fighting for equality in cannabis, and the Israeli cannabis culture.

Enthusiasm High for Legal Pot Sales in California
Bloomberg's Jennifer Kaplan discusses California's official launch of legal marijuana on "Bloomberg Markets."

Know Your Rights: Marijuana Legalization
As laws are changing, know your rights for marijuana use.

How to get rich off Cannabis-CNBC Special
Cannabis means business. In 2014, marijuana brought in about $2.7B to states that have legalized it, whether medicinally, recreationally or both, and that number is expected to grow in coming years. Here's how to play the marijuana space.

Cannabis vs. Beer | Mark Zekulin #WalrusTalks
In a market saturated with beer, liquor, and wine, Canopy Growth Corp and other marijuana companies see themselves as underdogs, but also as disruptors.
Mark Zekulin is the president of Canopy Growth Corporation, a trusted source of medicinal marijuana, where he oversees medical and patient outreach, driving operations, and corporate market strategy.
This talk was part of “Concordia University Presents The Walrus Talks Disruption.” It was filmed in Toronto on October 10 at the Isabel Bader Theatre.

Front Range Biosciences Arcview Pitch May 2017

TEDx Talks-A doctor's case for medical marijuana | David Casarett
Physician David Casarett was tired of hearing hype and half-truths around medical marijuana, so he put on his skeptic's hat and investigated on his own. He comes back with a fascinating report on what we know and what we don't -- and what mainstream medicine could learn from the modern medical marijuana dispensary.

Meet the Martha Stewart of Marijuana
Meet the Martha Stewart of Marijuana

Trey Gowdy Calls For Removing Marijuana As Schedule 1 Drug 7/26/17

Marijuana becomes big business with edibles
The booming marijuana business has grown to new heights in states where it is legal, thanks to edible editions. But the new ways people are consuming cannabis are also raising some warning flags. NBC’s Kerry Sanders has the report for our series “Red, White and Green” from Denver, Colorado.

Will California Weed Growers Survive Legal Marijuana? Vice News
When California’s regulators scrambled to make rules for the state’s new legal market, one issue was near the top of their list: How to deal with pot’s pesticide problem.
For years, pesticides used on black market and medical marijuana have affected water, wildlife, and consumer health. But until recently, the state had no way to prevent farmers from treating their crops with dangerous pesticides, fungicides or rodent killers. That’s all supposed to change with weed going legal, but growers, regulators and scientists say guaranteeing clean cannabis will be an uphill battle.
After a phase-in period of six months, which kicked off this week, any weed sold on California’s legal market has to test clean for residues of 66 pesticides — listed by the new Bureau of Cannabis Control. Growers say they’re already being tested at such minute levels that even weed grown organically could fail these tests. One problem is pesticides that drift from farms, which don’t have to comply with the same strict rules.
“Other crops can use fungicides and pesticides. For weed, nothing is allowed because cannabis is still illegal under federal law,” Shawn Webber, a licensed grower in Sonoma County, told VICE News.
Scientists say regulators have forgotten to extend their strict standards to the labs themselves. “It’s zero tolerance for pesticides, but at what level,” said Reggie Gaudino, Chief Science Officer at Steep Hill Labs, which offers cannabis testing in Berkeley, CA. “The regulations have no minimum standards for the machines that test the weed. People are going to shop around for the worst lab so they don’t fail.” And, as there aren’t enough labs to go around, product will spoil while it waits to be tested.
Growers who fail the tests or don’t want to invest in meeting the state’s rigorous standards, will likely return to black market. In other words, despite regulators’ best intentions, tainted weed won’t be off the menu just yet.

The current software for managing your cannabis grow just doesn’t cut it. It’s frustrating to deal with and takes up way too much of your time. We saw grow managers and cannabis businesses struggling with their technology and we knew there was a better way.

See How Sweet Leaf Tea Works With Flowhub

The future of agricultural intelligence

Peter Theils Founders Fund invests in the Cannabis industry
Early investors in Facebook, Spotify, and SpaceX...now see opportunity in Cannabis.

Aiming to Streamline How Dispensaries Order Product

Grownetics x Fleurish Farms Testimonial
Grownetics is at the forefront of grow technology, in this video we get an overview of the work we're doing in sungrown indoor with our R&D partners Fleurish Farms. The energy savings over traditional lighting solutions are dramatic.

Congressman Blumenaueer Destroys War on Marijuana in Four Minutes
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) details how marijuana prohibition has been a "spectacular failure" and previews reform legislation he will soon introduce. Check out http://MarijuanaMajority.com to see more politicians who know it's time for change.

Hatch Speaks on the Need for Medical Marijuana Research to Potentially Save Lives
Hatch Speaks on the Need for Medical Marijuana Research to Potentially Save Lives

'Marijuana moms' say smoking pot makes them better parents
Kaycee Bawdon is out to show that smoking marijuana while taking care of children is perfectly acceptable.
When the mother of four from central California gets together for a playdate with other moms, they often enjoy some herbal refreshment while kids frolic in the yard nearby.
Whether it's smoking from a bong or lighting a joint, these moms make marijuana a regular part of their lives.

The Future of Legal Marijuana Explained
Marijuanas future explained with marijuana graphics.

The Truth About Pot
Paul Stanford on CNN... Anderson Cooper 360 "America's High"

GW Pharma has investors on a high
GW Pharma's phase 3 study on its cannabinoid Epidiolex shows positive results for epilepsy, sending shares of the company higher, reports CNBC's Meg Tirrell.

WEED - Dr Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special

CNBC Alternative Investing: Industrial Hemp
CNBC's Alternative Investing show discusses industrial hemp.

When The Bright Lights Fade
How Cannabidiol can help with Chronic Traumatic Encephalitis CTE.

Should Grandma Smoke Pot? Final Cut - Legalize Marijuana
Called by one media critic, "Genius". Produced by famous smuggler, author/activist Robert Platshorn and the award winning film maker Walter J. Collins.

GW Pharmaceuticals CEO: Cannabis As A Cure | Mad Money | CNBC
GW pharmaceuticals grow medical marijuana just like the pharmacies except they are more focused on THC:CBD ratios to make it more medicinal for the epilepsy patient.

The Chaos of Cannabis | Jahan Peston Jamas TED Talk
Jahan Peston, founder of BOHEMCO, a company that plans to use Cannabis for various commercial uses speaks about how he and his six friends decided to build this business.

BRINGING IT HOME - An Award-Winning Documentary About Hemp

How Did Marijuana Become Illegal in the First Place?
It always surprises me how many people out there don’t know how marijuana became illegal in the first place. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone is opposed to marijuana reform simply and only because it’s currently illegal at the federal level.

True History of Marijuana Full Movie
Cannabis has an incredible number of uses:-

CNBC News - Treating kids and elderly with cannabis in Israel
CNBC News - Treating kids and elderly with cannabis in Israel

How Israel is leading the medical marijuana industry
CNBC got exclusive access to a children's oncology unit and...

The Scientist Raphael Mechoulam
“The Scientist”—The Life and Work of Raphael Mechoulam

BBC News Medical Cannabis without the High
BBC News Medical Cannabis without the High

Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health a Cannabis Documentary (Cancer,Aids,Crohn's & more)
Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health a Cannabis Documentary (Cancer,Aids,Crohn's & more)

Indisputable Evidence Showing That Cannabis Could Be The Most Nutritional Vegetable In The World
Indisputable Evidence Showing That Cannabis Could Be The Most Nutritional Vegetable In The World

BBC News Medical Cannabis without the High
BBC News Medical Cannabis without the High

Marijuana Country: The Cannabis Boom CNBC
Marijuana Country: The Cannabis Boom CNBC

whole hemp farms fields
whole hemp farms fields

TEDx Talk Bruce Linton CEO of Tweed
TEDx Talk Reveals Tweed’s Goal of Becoming Multi-Billion Dollar Global Cannabis Company